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Please Fill up the TAOBAOSHOPPER ORDER FORM to calculate the price, or check out the payment guide to get more info.

Payment Guide:

Total Price Payable = (Total Item Purchased Cost + China Domestic Delivery) + Agent Fee + International shipping Charges + Singapore Local Delivery
Upon confirmation of order, you'll be requried to make the first payment which is: (Total Item Purchased Cost + China Domestic Delivery) + Agent Fee

Exchange Rate Fixed at RMB 1 = SGD 0.23
Agent Fee is based on 10%, in cases where(Total Item Purchased Cost + China Domestic Delivery) is less than $35 (175RMB), agent fee will be fixed at $3.50.

Second Payment have to be made when goods arrive in SG.
Second Payment = International Shipping Fee + Singapore Local Delivery

**Self collection @ Woodlands = FOC Singapore local delivery.

Note: International shipping fee is based on weight / size (Mass).
Weight: First 500 gram = $10 SGD, $5 SGD for every subsequent 500 grams.
E.g: Your items weight 2 KG, the price will be $10 + ($5 × 3) = $25.
***Mass calculation will apply for items of huge sizes.***

For First Payment, based on Sample:

Case 1. You only purchase one

The item purchase cost is 29 RMB
China Domestic Delivery is 10RMB

First Payment Amount= (29+10) × 0.23 + 3.5 =$12.47

Case 2. You purchase 10 pieces

Total item purchase cost is 290 RMB

China Domestic Delivery is 10RMB (varies with increase weight )

First Payment Amount= (290+10) × 1.1 × 0.23  =$75.90

That means it's only S$7.59 per item if you purchase 10 pieces.

For the Second Payment (international shipping fee) :

According to international shipment standard, shipping cost of all shipment methods are charged based on the larger one between volumetric weight and actual weight.

Volumetric weight(kg) = Length(cm)*Width(cm)*Hight(cm) / 5000

Our shipment rate :

First 500gm is S$10, subsequent every 500gm is S$5.

Purchase more than 21KG, the shipping rate will be based on S$8 per KG.

Purchase more than 40KG, the shipping rate will be based on S$7 per KG.